The WeatherDisplay Data!! Contents |
Key | Value |
Weather Data Method | Using testtag.php which is the traditional method to get the weather information data from Weather Display??. |
abshum | 4.53 |
airdensity | 1.21 |
apparentsolartemp | 64.8 |
apparentsolartempc | 18.2 |
apparentsolartempf | 64.8 |
apparenttemp | 64.8 |
apparenttempc | 18.2 |
apparenttempf | 64.8 |
avgspd | 0.0 |
avgspeedsincereset | 0.0 |
avrainapr | 0.00 |
avrainaprnow | --- |
avrainaug | 0.05 |
avrainaugnow | 0.05 |
avraindec | 0.00 |
avraindecnow | --- |
avrainfeb | 0.00 |
avrainfebnow | --- |
avrainjan | 0.00 |
avrainjannow | --- |
avrainjul | 0.00 |
avrainjulnow | --- |
avrainjun | 0.00 |
avrainjunnow | --- |
avrainmar | 0.00 |
avrainmarnow | --- |
avrainmay | 0.00 |
avrainmaynow | --- |
avrainnov | 0.00 |
avrainnovnow | --- |
avrainoct | 0.00 |
avrainoctnow | 0.00 |
avrainsep | 0.00 |
avrainsepnow | 0.00 |
avsnowapr | --- |
avsnowaprnow | --- |
avsnowaug | --- |
avsnowaugnow | --- |
avsnowdec | --- |
avsnowdecnow | --- |
avsnowfeb | --- |
avsnowfebnow | --- |
avsnowjan | --- |
avsnowjannow | --- |
avsnowjul | 0.0 |
avsnowjulnow | 0.0 |
avsnowjun | 0.0 |
avsnowjunnow | 0.0 |
avsnowmar | --- |
avsnowmarnow | --- |
avsnowmay | 0.0 |
avsnowmaynow | 0.0 |
avsnownov | --- |
avsnownovnow | --- |
avsnowoct | 0.0 |
avsnowoctnow | 0.0 |
avsnowsep | 0.0 |
avsnowsepnow | 0.0 |
avtempapr | 48.5 |
avtempaprnow | 48.5 |
avtempaug | 66.1 |
avtempaugnow | 66.1 |
avtempdec | 32.0 |
avtempdecnow | 32.0 |
avtempfeb | 32.0 |
avtempfebnow | 32.0 |
avtempjan | 32.0 |
avtempjannow | 32.0 |
avtempjul | 74.0 |
avtempjulnow | 74.0 |
avtempjun | 72.1 |
avtempjunnow | 72.1 |
avtempmar | 32.0 |
avtempmarnow | 32.0 |
avtempmay | 59.6 |
avtempmaynow | 59.6 |
avtempnov | 32.0 |
avtempnovnow | 32.0 |
avtempoct | 66.1 |
avtempoctnow | 66.1 |
avtempsep | 66.1 |
avtempsepnow | 66.1 |
avtempsincemidnight | 66.1 |
avtempweek | 66.1 |
avwindlastimediate10 | 0.0 |
avwindlastimediate120 | 0.0 |
avwindlastimediate15 | 0.0 |
avwindlastimediate30 | 0.0 |
avwindlastimediate60 | 0.0 |
baro | 29.989 |
baro0minuteago | 29.989 |
baro105minuteago | 29.989 |
baro10minuteago | 29.989 |
baro120minuteago | 29.989 |
baro15minuteago | 29.989 |
baro20minuteago | 29.989 |
baro30minuteago | 29.989 |
baro45minuteago | 29.989 |
baro5minuteago | 29.989 |
baro60minuteago | 29.989 |
baro75minuteago | 29.989 |
baro90minuteago | 29.989 |
barochangelasthour | 0.000 |
baroinusa2dp | 29.99 inches |
bftspeedtext | Calm |
burntime | 720 |
cddday | 0.6 |
cddmonth | 9.4 |
cddyear | 610.4 |
chandler | 3.1 |
changeinday | 00:00:01 |
chinesenewyear | 11 February 2021 () |
cloudheightfeet | 7805 |
cloudheightmeters | 2380 |
coldestdayonrecord | 66.0F on: Aug 11 2021 |
coldestnightonrecord | 66.0F on: Aug 12 2021 |
currbftspeed | 0 bft |
current_icon | icon_array[5] |
current_summary | 3 |
currentmonthaveragerain | --- |
currentrainratehr | 0.000 |
currentsolardescription | Day time |
currentsolarpercent | 0 |
currentwdet | 0.000 |
date | 10/9/2021 |
date_day | 09 |
date_month | 10 |
date_year | 2021 |
datefmt | m/d/y |
dateoflastrainalways | --- |
dayname | Saturday |
dayornight | Day |
dayrn | 0.00 |
daystmaxgt25c | 0 |
daystmaxgt30c | 0 |
daystminlt0c | 0 |
daystminltm15c | 0 |
dayswithnorain | 59 |
dayswithrain | 0 |
dayswithrainyear | 27 |
decsolstice | 16:00 UTC December 21 2021 |
dew0minuteago | 56.8 |
dew105minuteago | 56.8 |
dew10minuteago | 56.8 |
dew120minuteago | 56.8 |
dew15minuteago | 56.8 |
dew20minuteago | 56.8 |
dew30minuteago | 56.8 |
dew45minuteago | 56.8 |
dew5minuteago | 56.8 |
dew60minuteago | 56.8 |
dew75minuteago | 56.8 |
dew90minuteago | 56.8 |
dewchangelasthour | 0.0 |
dewpt | 32.0 |
dir0minuteago | N |
dir105minuteago | N |
dir10minuteago | N |
dir120minuteago | N |
dir15minuteago | N |
dir20minuteago | N |
dir30minuteago | N |
dir45minuteago | N |
dir5minuteago | N |
dir60minuteago | N |
dir75minuteago | N |
dir90minuteago | N |
dirdeg | 0 |
dirlabel | N |
download_size | filesize(filenameReal) |
easterdate | 4 April 2021 |
etcurrentweek | 0.000 |
feelslike | 66 |
filenamereal | __FILE__ |
firewi | 8.7 |
firstquarter | 03:26 UTC October 13 2021 |
freememory | 6.19GB |
fullmoon | 14:57 UTC October 20 2021 |
fullmoondate | October 20 2021 |
gddmonth | 176.9 |
gddyear | 2675.1 |
gstspd | 0.0 |
gust0minuteago | 0 |
gust105minuteago | 0 |
gust10minuteago | 0 |
gust120minuteago | 0 |
gust15minuteago | 0 |
gust20minuteago | 0 |
gust30minuteago | 0 |
gust45minuteago | 0 |
gust5minuteago | 0 |
gust60minuteago | 0 |
gust75minuteago | 0 |
gust90minuteago | 0 |
hddday | 0.0 |
hddmonth | 0.0 |
hddyear | 385.7 |
heatcolourword | --- |
heati | 66.1 |
heatinodp | 66 |
highbaro | |
highbarot | |
highhum | 0 |
highhumt | |
highsolar | -1 |
highsolartime | |
highsolaryest | -1.0 |
highsolaryesttime | |
highuv | -1.0 |
highuvtime | |
highuvyest | -1.0 |
highuvyesttime | |
hope | Hopeful as always |
hourrn | 0.00 |
hoursofpossibledaylight | 12:07 |
hum0minuteago | 72 |
hum105minuteago | 72 |
hum10minuteago | 72 |
hum120minuteago | 72 |
hum15minuteago | 72 |
hum20minuteago | 72 |
hum30minuteago | 72 |
hum45minuteago | 72 |
hum5minuteago | 72 |
hum60minuteago | 72 |
hum75minuteago | 72 |
hum90minuteago | 72 |
humchangelasthour | 0 |
humidexcelsius | 16.8 |
humidexfaren | 62.2 |
humidity | 72 |
icon_array[0] | day_clear.gif |
icon_array[10] | mist.gif |
icon_array[11] | fog.gif |
icon_array[12] | night_heavy_rain.gif |
icon_array[13] | night_cloudy.gif |
icon_array[14] | night_rain.gif |
icon_array[15] | night_light_rain.gif |
icon_array[16] | night_snow.gif |
icon_array[17] | night_tstorm.gif |
icon_array[18] | day_cloudy.gif |
icon_array[19] | day_partly_cloudy.gif |
icon_array[1] | night_clear.gif |
icon_array[20] | day_rain.gif |
icon_array[21] | day_rain.gif |
icon_array[22] | day_light_rain.gif |
icon_array[23] | sleet.gif |
icon_array[24] | sleet.gif |
icon_array[25] | snow.gif |
icon_array[26] | snow.gif |
icon_array[27] | snow.gif |
icon_array[28] | day_clear.gif.gif |
icon_array[29] | day_tstorm.gif |
icon_array[2] | day_partly_cloudy.gif |
icon_array[30] | day_tstorm.gif |
icon_array[31] | day_tstorm.gif |
icon_array[32] | tornado.gif |
icon_array[33] | windy.gif |
icon_array[34] | day_partly_cloudy.gif |
icon_array[35] | windyrain.gif |
icon_array[3] | day_partly_cloudy.gif |
icon_array[4] | night_partly_cloudy.gif |
icon_array[5] | day_partly_cloudy.gif |
icon_array[6] | fog.gif |
icon_array[7] | haze.gif |
icon_array[8] | day_heavy_rain.gif |
icon_array[9] | day_mostly_sunny.gif |
iconnumber | 5 |
junesolstice | 03:33 UTC June 21 2021 |
lastquarter | 20:06 UTC October 28 2021 |
lighteningbearing | 0 |
lighteningcountlast12hour | 0 |
lighteningcountlast12hournextstorm | 0 |
lighteningcountlast30minutes | 0 |
lighteningcountlast30minutesnextstorm | 0 |
lighteningcountlast5minutes | 0 |
lighteningcountlasthour | 0 |
lighteningcountlasthournextstorm | 0 |
lighteningcountlastminute | 0 |
lighteningcountlastminutenextstorm | 0 |
lighteningcountlasttime | |
lighteningcountmonth | 0 |
lighteningcountyear | 0 |
lighteningdistance | 0 |
lowbaro | |
lowbarot | |
lowhum | 101 |
lowhumt | |
lowsolartime | |
lowuvtime | |
marchequinox | 09:38 UTC March 20 2021 |
maxaverageyest | 0.0 |
maxaverageyestt | |
maxavgdirectionletter | |
maxavgspd | 0.0 |
maxavgspdt | 6:35:30 AM |
maxbaroyest | |
maxbaroyestt | |
maxchillyest | |
maxdew | |
maxdewt | |
maxdewyest | |
maxdewyestt | |
maxgst | 0.0 |
maxgstdirectionletter | |
maxgsthr | 0.0 kts N |
maxgsthrtime | |
maxgstt | 6:35:30 AM |
maxgustyest | 0.0 kts |
maxgustyestt | |
maxheat | |
maxheatt | |
maxheatweek | 66.1 |
maxheatyest | |
maxheatyestt | |
maxhumyest | |
maxhumyestt | |
maxrainrate | 0.000 |
maxrainratehr | 0.000 |
maxrainratetime | 00:00 AM |
maxsolarfortime | 0 |
maxtemp | -148.0 |
maxtemp4today | --- |
maxtemp4todayyr | 2021 |
maxtempt | |
maxtempyest | -148.0 |
maxtempyestt | |
mcoldestdayonrecord | 66.1F on: Oct 01 2021 |
mcoldestnightonrecord | 66.1F on: Oct 01 2021 |
minbaroyest | |
minbaroyestt | |
minchillweek | 76.8 |
minchillyest | |
minchillyestt | |
mindew | |
mindewt | |
mindewyest | |
mindewyestt | |
minhumyest | |
minhumyestt | |
mintemp | 212.0 |
mintemp4today | --- |
mintemp4todayyr | 2021 |
mintempt | |
mintempyest | 212.0 |
mintempyestt | |
minwindch | |
minwindcht | |
monthname | October |
monthrn | 0.00 |
monthtodateavgust | 0.0 |
monthtodateavspeed | 0.0 |
monthtodateavtemp | 66.1 |
monthtodatemaxbaro | 29.989 |
monthtodatemaxgust | 0.0 |
monthtodateminbaro | 29.989 |
moonage | Moon age: 3 days,15 hours,21 minutes,14% |
moonagedays | 3 |
moonaphel | 08:22 UTC July 5 2022 |
moonapogee | 15:30 UTC October 24 2021 |
mooneclipse | November 19 2021 04:03:21 97% |
moonperigee | 22:19 UTC November 5 2021 |
moonperihel | 17:15 UTC January 3 2022 |
moonphase | 14% |
moonphasename | Waxing Crescent Moon |
moonrise | 4:18 am |
moonrisedate | 10/09/21 |
moonset | 4:45 pm |
moonsetdate | 10/09/21 |
mrecorddailyrain | 0.00 |
mrecorddailyrainday | 1 |
mrecorddailyrainmonth | 10 |
mrecorddailyrainyear | 2021 |
mrecorddaysnorain | 0 |
mrecorddaysnorainday | 1 |
mrecorddaysnorainmonth | 10 |
mrecorddayswithrain | 0 |
mrecorddayswithrainday | 1 |
mrecorddayswithrainmonth | 10 |
mrecordhighavwindday | 1 |
mrecordhighavwindmonth | 10 |
mrecordhighavwindyear | 2021 |
mrecordhighbaro | 29.989 |
mrecordhighbaroday | 1 |
mrecordhighbaromonth | 10 |
mrecordhighbaroyear | 2021 |
mrecordhighdew | 56.8 |
mrecordhighdewday | 1 |
mrecordhighdewmonth | 10 |
mrecordhighdewyear | 2021 |
mrecordhighgustday | 1 |
mrecordhighgustmonth | 10 |
mrecordhighgustyear | 2021 |
mrecordhighheatindex | 66.1 |
mrecordhighheatindexday | 1 |
mrecordhighheatindexmonth | 10 |
mrecordhighheatindexyear | 2021 |
mrecordhighhum | 72 |
mrecordhighhumday | 1 |
mrecordhighhummonth | 10 |
mrecordhighhumyear | 2021 |
mrecordhighrainmth | 0.0 |
mrecordhighrainmthmth | 8 |
mrecordhighrainmthyr | 2021 |
mrecordhighsolar | 0.0 |
mrecordhighsolarday | 11 |
mrecordhighsolarmonth | 8 |
mrecordhighsolaryear | 2021 |
mrecordhightemp | 66.1 |
mrecordhightempday | 1 |
mrecordhightempmonth | 10 |
mrecordhightempyear | 2021 |
mrecordhighuv | 0.0 |
mrecordhighuvday | 11 |
mrecordhighuvmonth | 8 |
mrecordhighuvyear | 2021 |
mrecordhighwindrun | 0.0 |
mrecordhighwindrunday | 11 |
mrecordhighwindrunmth | 8 |
mrecordhighwindrunyr | 2021 |
mrecordlowbaro | 29.989 |
mrecordlowbaroday | 1 |
mrecordlowbaromonth | 10 |
mrecordlowbaroyear | 2021 |
mrecordlowchill | 66.1 |
mrecordlowchillday | 1 |
mrecordlowchillmonth | 10 |
mrecordlowchillyear | 2021 |
mrecordlowdew | 56.8 |
mrecordlowdewday | 1 |
mrecordlowdewmonth | 10 |
mrecordlowdewyear | 2021 |
mrecordlowhum | 72 |
mrecordlowhumday | 1 |
mrecordlowhummonth | 10 |
mrecordlowhumyear | 2021 |
mrecordlowtemp | 66.1 |
mrecordlowtempday | 1 |
mrecordlowtempmonth | 10 |
mrecordlowtempyear | 2021 |
mrecordrainrate | -0.039 |
mrecordrainrateday | 11 |
mrecordrainratemonth | 8 |
mrecordrainrateyear | 2021 |
mrecordwindgust | 0.0 |
mrecordwindspeed | 0.0 |
mwarmestdayonrecord | 66.1F on: Oct 01 2021 |
mwarmestnightonrecord | 66.1F on: Oct 01 2021 |
myrecordhighbaromonth | 10 |
newmoon | 11:06 UTC October 6 2021 |
nextnewmoon | 21:15 UTC November 4 2021 |
noaacityname | --- |
noaawarningraw | --- |
pressuretrendname | Steady |
pressuretrendname3hour | Steady |
rain0minuteago | 0.00 |
rain105minuteago | 0.00 |
rain10minuteago | 0.00 |
rain120minuteago | 0.00 |
rain15minuteago | 0.00 |
rain20minuteago | 0.00 |
rain30minuteago | 0.00 |
rain45minuteago | 0.00 |
rain5minuteago | 0.00 |
rain60minuteago | 0.00 |
rain75minuteago | 0.00 |
rain90minuteago | 0.00 |
raincurrentweek | 0.00 |
raindifffromav | --- |
raindifffromavyear | 454.379 |
raintodatemonthago | 0.00 |
raintodateyearago | 0.00 |
recorddailyrain | 0.00 |
recorddailyrainday | 6 |
recorddailyrainmonth | 8 |
recorddailyrainyear | 2021 |
recorddaysnorain | 0 |
recorddaysnorainday | 18 |
recorddaysnorainmonth | 8 |
recorddaysnorainyear | 2021 |
recorddayswithrain | 0 |
recorddayswithrainday | 18 |
recorddayswithrainmonth | 8 |
recorddayswithrainyear | 2021 |
recordhighavwindday | 6 |
recordhighavwindmonth | 8 |
recordhighavwindyear | 2021 |
recordhighbaro | 29.989 |
recordhighbaroday | 6 |
recordhighbaromonth | 8 |
recordhighbaroyear | 2021 |
recordhighdew | 56.8 |
recordhighdewday | 6 |
recordhighdewmonth | 8 |
recordhighdewyear | 2021 |
recordhighgustday | 6 |
recordhighgustmonth | 8 |
recordhighgustyear | 2021 |
recordhighheatindex | 66.1 |
recordhighheatindexday | 6 |
recordhighheatindexmonth | 8 |
recordhighheatindexyear | 2021 |
recordhighhum | 72 |
recordhighhumday | 6 |
recordhighhummonth | 8 |
recordhighhumyear | 2021 |
recordhighrainmth | 0.0 |
recordhighrainmthmth | 8 |
recordhighrainmthyr | 2021 |
recordhighsolar | 0.0 |
recordhighsolarday | 11 |
recordhighsolarmonth | 8 |
recordhighsolaryear | 2021 |
recordhightemp | 66.1 |
recordhightempapr | --- |
recordhightempaug | 66.0 |
recordhightempday | 6 |
recordhightempdec | --- |
recordhightempfeb | --- |
recordhightempjan | --- |
recordhightempjul | --- |
recordhightempjun | --- |
recordhightempmar | --- |
recordhightempmay | --- |
recordhightempmonth | 8 |
recordhightempnov | --- |
recordhightempoct | --- |
recordhightempsep | 66.0 |
recordhightempyear | 2021 |
recordhighuv | 0.0 |
recordhighuvday | 11 |
recordhighuvmonth | 8 |
recordhighuvyear | 2021 |
recordhighwindrun | 0.0 |
recordhighwindrunday | 11 |
recordhighwindrunmth | 8 |
recordhighwindrunyr | 2021 |
recordlowbaro | 29.989 |
recordlowbaroday | 6 |
recordlowbaromonth | 8 |
recordlowbaroyear | 2021 |
recordlowchill | 66.1 |
recordlowchillday | 6 |
recordlowchillmonth | 8 |
recordlowchillyear | 2021 |
recordlowdew | 56.8 |
recordlowdewday | 6 |
recordlowdewmonth | 8 |
recordlowdewyear | 2021 |
recordlowhum | 72 |
recordlowhumday | 6 |
recordlowhummonth | 8 |
recordlowhumyear | 2021 |
recordlowtemp | 66.1 |
recordlowtempapr | --- |
recordlowtempaug | 66.0 |
recordlowtempday | 6 |
recordlowtempdec | --- |
recordlowtempfeb | --- |
recordlowtempjan | --- |
recordlowtempjul | --- |
recordlowtempjun | --- |
recordlowtempmar | --- |
recordlowtempmay | --- |
recordlowtempmonth | 8 |
recordlowtempnov | --- |
recordlowtempoct | --- |
recordlowtempsep | 66.0 |
recordlowtempyear | 2021 |
recordrainrate | -0.039 |
recordrainrateday | 11 |
recordrainratemonth | 8 |
recordrainrateyear | 2021 |
recordwindgust | 0.0 |
recordwindspeed | 0.0 |
sepequinox | 19:22 UTC September 22 2021 |
snowdaysthismonth | 0 |
snowdaysthisyear | 0 |
snowheight | 434 |
snowheightnew | 7836 |
snowmonthcm | 0 |
snowmonthin | 0 |
snownowcm | 0.0 |
snownowin | 0.00 |
snowrain | 0.00 |
snowseasoncm | 0 |
snowseasonin | 0 |
snowtodaycm | 0.0 |
snowtodayin | 0.00 |
snowyesterday | 0 |
solarnoon | 07:47 |
startimedate | 6:35:29 AM 8/18/2021 |
stationaltitude | 0 |
stationlatitude | 41:29:58 |
stationlongitude | 81:43:43 |
stationname | mystation |
suneclipse | August 12 2026 19:25:52 25% |
sunrise | 1:43 am |
sunset | 1:50 pm |
sunshinehourstodateday | 00:00 |
sunshinehourstodatemonth | 00:00 |
sunshinehourstodateyear | 00:00 |
sunshineyesterday | 00:00 |
temp0minuteago | 66.1 |
temp105minuteago | 66.1 |
temp10minuteago | 66.1 |
temp120minuteago | 66.1 |
temp15minuteago | 66.1 |
temp20minuteago | 66.1 |
temp24hoursago | 66.1 |
temp30minuteago | 66.1 |
temp45minuteago | 66.1 |
temp5minuteago | 66.1 |
temp60minuteago | 66.1 |
temp75minuteago | 66.1 |
temp90minuteago | 66.1 |
tempchangehour | 0.0 |
tempchangelasthourfaren | 0.0 |
temperature | 66.1 |
tempnodp | 66 |
time | 1:03 PM |
time_hour | 13 |
time_minute | 03 |
timeofdaygreeting | Afternoon |
timeoflastrainalways | - |
timeofnextupdate | 1:04 pm |
todayhihumidex | 62.2 |
todaylohumidex | 62.2 |
trend | +0.000 |
uombaro | inHg |
uomdistance | km |
uomrain | in |
uomtemp | F; // |
uomwind | kts |
updtime | |
vpconsolebattery | %vpconsolebattery% |
vpet | 0.00 |
vpetmonth | 0.00 |
vpforecasttext | --- |
vpissstatus | Ok |
vpreception2 | %vpreception2% |
vpsolar | 0 |
vpsolar0minuteago | -100 |
vpsolar105minuteago | -100 |
vpsolar10minuteago | -100 |
vpsolar120minuteago | -100 |
vpsolar15minuteago | -100 |
vpsolar20minuteago | -100 |
vpsolar30minuteago | -100 |
vpsolar45minuteago | -100 |
vpsolar5minuteago | -100 |
vpsolar60minuteago | -100 |
vpsolar75minuteago | -100 |
vpsolar90minuteago | -100 |
vpstormrain | 0.00 |
vpstormrainstart | 0/0/0 |
vpuv | 0.0 |
vpuv0minuteago | 0.0 |
vpuv105minuteago | 0.0 |
vpuv10minuteago | 0.0 |
vpuv120minuteago | 0.0 |
vpuv15minuteago | 0.0 |
vpuv20minuteago | 0.0 |
vpuv30minuteago | 0.0 |
vpuv45minuteago | 0.0 |
vpuv5minuteago | 0.0 |
vpuv60minuteago | 0.0 |
vpuv75minuteago | 0.0 |
vpuv90minuteago | 0.0 |
warmestdayonrecord | 66.1 F on: Aug 19 2021 |
warmestnightonrecord | 66.1F on: Aug 19 2021 |
wdbuild | 125 |
wdversion | 10.37S . -(b . 125 . ) |
wdversiononly | 10.37S |
weathercond | Dry |
weatherreport | Dry |
wetbulb | 51.1 |
wind0minuteago | 0 |
wind105minuteago | 0 |
wind10minuteago | 0 |
wind120minuteago | 0 |
wind15minuteago | 0 |
wind20minuteago | 0 |
wind30minuteago | 0 |
wind45minuteago | 0 |
wind5minuteago | 0 |
wind60minuteago | 0 |
wind75minuteago | 0 |
wind90minuteago | 0 |
windch | 66.1 |
windchnodp | 66 |
windowsuptime | 52 Days 6 Hours 31 Minutes 55 Seconds |
windruntodatethismonth | 0.00 km |
windruntodatethisyear | 0.00 km |
windruntoday | 0.00 |
windrunyesterday | 0.00 |
wumaxtemp | 32.0 |
wumaxtempr | 32.0 |
wumaxtempryr | 0 |
wumintemp | 32.0 |
wumintempr | 32.0 |
wumintempryr | 0 |
ycoldestdayonrecord | 66.0F on: Aug 11 2021 |
ycoldestnightonrecord | 66.0F on: Aug 12 2021 |
yearrn | 454.38 |
yeartodateavtemp | 66.3 |
yeartodateavwind | 1.1 |
yeartodategstwind | 2.4 |
yesterdayavtemp | 66.1 |
yesterdaydaviset | 0.000 |
yesterdayrain | 0.00 |
yesterdaywdet | 0.000 |
yrecorddailyrain | 0.00 |
yrecorddailyrainday | 11 |
yrecorddailyrainmonth | 8 |
yrecorddailyrainyear | 2021 |
yrecorddaysnorain | 0 |
yrecorddaysnorainday | 18 |
yrecorddaysnorainmonth | 8 |
yrecorddayswithrain | 0 |
yrecorddayswithrainday | 18 |
yrecorddayswithrainmonth | 8 |
yrecordhighavwindday | 11 |
yrecordhighavwindmonth | 8 |
yrecordhighavwindyear | 2021 |
yrecordhighbaro | 29.989 |
yrecordhighbaroday | 6 |
yrecordhighbaromonth | 8 |
yrecordhighbaroyear | 2021 |
yrecordhighdew | 56.8 |
yrecordhighdewday | 6 |
yrecordhighdewmonth | 8 |
yrecordhighdewyear | 2021 |
yrecordhighgustday | 11 |
yrecordhighgustmonth | 8 |
yrecordhighgustyear | 2021 |
yrecordhighheatindex | 66.1 |
yrecordhighheatindexday | 6 |
yrecordhighheatindexmonth | 8 |
yrecordhighheatindexyear | 2021 |
yrecordhighhum | 72 |
yrecordhighhumday | 6 |
yrecordhighhummonth | 8 |
yrecordhighhumyear | 2021 |
yrecordhighrainmth | 0.0 |
yrecordhighrainmthmth | 8 |
yrecordhighrainmthyr | 2021 |
yrecordhighsolar | 0.0 |
yrecordhighsolarday | 11 |
yrecordhighsolarmonth | 8 |
yrecordhighsolaryear | 2021 |
yrecordhightemp | 66.1 |
yrecordhightempday | 6 |
yrecordhightempmonth | 8 |
yrecordhightempyear | 2021 |
yrecordhighuv | 0.0 |
yrecordhighuvday | 11 |
yrecordhighuvmonth | 8 |
yrecordhighuvyear | 2021 |
yrecordhighwindrun | 0.0 |
yrecordhighwindrunday | 11 |
yrecordhighwindrunmth | 8 |
yrecordhighwindrunyr | 2021 |
yrecordlowbaro | 29.989 |
yrecordlowbaroday | 6 |
yrecordlowbaromonth | 8 |
yrecordlowbaroyear | 2021 |
yrecordlowchill | 66.1 |
yrecordlowchillday | 6 |
yrecordlowchillmonth | 8 |
yrecordlowchillyear | 2021 |
yrecordlowdew | 56.8 |
yrecordlowdewday | 6 |
yrecordlowdewmonth | 8 |
yrecordlowdewyear | 2021 |
yrecordlowhum | 72 |
yrecordlowhumday | 6 |
yrecordlowhummonth | 8 |
yrecordlowhumyear | 2021 |
yrecordlowtemp | 66.1 |
yrecordlowtempday | 6 |
yrecordlowtempmonth | 8 |
yrecordlowtempyear | 2021 |
yrecordrainrate | 0.000 |
yrecordrainrateday | 11 |
yrecordrainratemonth | 8 |
yrecordrainrateyear | 2021 |
yrecordwindgust | 0.0 |
yrecordwindspeed | 0.0 |
ywarmestdayonrecord | 66.1F on: Aug 19 2021 |
ywarmestnightonrecord | 66.1F on: Aug 19 2021 |